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Blue whale game threats and protection to balcony railings

Posted: September 2nd, 2017, 10:51 am
by kumarraja
Which is the most reliable means of preventing blue whale threats , by protecting balcony from any mishap.

Re: Blue whale game threats and protection to balcony railings

Posted: September 4th, 2017, 1:52 pm
by arunthl
Best way is to close the balcony using steel. but, i think its wise to avoid smartphones reaching your kid & you make sure, you track the movements of your kids. You may protect your balcony but as I have heard, blue whale game is about getting addicted and challenge is not just about jumping from kids own balcony.

So, better avoid the source.

Re: Blue whale game threats and protection to balcony railings

Posted: September 5th, 2017, 1:49 pm
by senapathigopi
Maybe dedicating 30 - 60mins of our busy time, with kids and have fun/play/discussing real stories of known family members friends etc is the better way to prevent from being addicted i guess.

Re: Blue whale game threats and protection to balcony railings

Posted: September 5th, 2017, 3:24 pm
by msn1270
Firstly parents have to come out of their smart phone addiction i.e. avoid continuous/regular use of Facebook, Whats app, games, watching movies....etc on your phone and restrict your phone mainly for incoming & outgoing phone calls, AT LEAST AT HOME. In many homes almost all the members are busy watching their phones even when they all gathered in a living hall. When they do all these things in front of their Kids, is there any way/moral right for them to advise their kids not to use the phones ? At the age of 7-8 years itself, parents are gifting their kids with expensive phones with Data connection in the name of having continuous communication/monitoring them for safety reason. Nowadays some stupid parents even give their smart phone to the infants while spoon feeding them. Is this the way we need to bring up our kids ????

Firstly 90% of the messages coming on Facebook or Whatsapp are just forwarded/liked ones. Another 6-9% messages are neither important nor urgent. So there is no logic, why people spend their most precious many hours daily for stupid things as though they lose something if they don't check these things so frequently, which they never did a few years back. Nowadays face to face interaction is drastically coming down in our life. Instead of these time wasting activity, they can spend the same quality time with their dear ones and kins and have a good moments which avoids the use of smart phone necessarily.Support your kids to do outdoor physical activities, games, gardening, cycling, play with neighbor kids, friends, take them to relatives house at regular intervals or out of station for small trips and good places and keep them busy with some group activities rather than locking them inside the homes engaging them in just school/home work activities, watching TV/Mobiles, you tubes...etc.

Re: Blue whale game threats and protection to balcony railings

Posted: September 6th, 2017, 10:17 pm
by girishshk
Correct, We didn't have the phone when we are teen before, then why now our teens need them, just protect using the pin and finger print scanner and don't allow them to use or play. Data should not be used so that links don't work if you have given in any case,(use child mode and restricts apps)