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Potential Appreciation of Prices in Anjanapura

Posted: February 14th, 2016, 1:11 pm
by venki.krishnan
Hi All,

The prices in Anjanapura BDA layout have appreciated a lot in the last 6-7 years. It has gone 3 times. What was 1800-2000 in 2009 is around 5000-6000 now. This is despite having no developments / little developments.

My query in view of the exorbitant risk in the recent past is "what is the expected rise in the next 5-6 yrs. Can I buy a site expecting some gains at least". Experts please give your view.


Re: Potential Appreciation of Prices in Anjanapura

Posted: February 15th, 2016, 10:54 am
by msn1270
Hi venki

Land prices doubles in an average of 4 years time line. This is the decent gain you can expect.
You can track the trend starting from the year 2000 on wards for any area in & around Bangalore.

Re: Potential Appreciation of Prices in Anjanapura

Posted: February 15th, 2016, 11:35 am
by sam_m400
Yes any area in bangalore got appreciate more than 200% to 300% even for B-khata /revenue sites with absolutely not developments . I have seen some place about one year back which they quoted starting price 1350 Rs per Sqft with absolutely no development and look like jungle or rural village, not if you ask they are quoting 1600 to 1800 with still same no development just because of reason that some more sites are being sold in this one year.. so there are buyers so price increases.... This is being created by land mafias who controls the prices who can increase the price of any site BDA/BBMP/B-Khata/revenue sites without any development... That is reality in Bangalore....
A some peopkle who entered real estate business has become Karodpathi in just 3 years.....

Re: Potential Appreciation of Prices in Anjanapura

Posted: February 15th, 2016, 12:58 pm
by Girishrangaiah
But from last 2 years I,e 2014- 2015 not much appreciation.
It got appreciated well from 2012 - 2013.
But again as mentioned above not much development has happened.